Talking Tom Cat

Rediscovering a Childhood Classic: Talking Tom Cat

For many of us, the nostalgic charm of Talking Tom Cat needs no introduction. This app, a staple of mobile gaming since its inception in 2010, recently received a major overhaul in 2016. As a longtime fan, I couldn’t resist diving back into Tom's quirky world to see how this modern reimagining holds up. This review will walk you through my experience, covering every aspect of this revamped feline entertainer.

Rediscovering a Childhood Classic Talking Tom Cat

Visual Overhaul: A Feast for the Eyes

The first thing that strikes you when launching the updated Talking Tom Cat is the revamped visual style. The new graphics are lush and vibrant, clearly a step up from the older version. The art style takes cues from 2013’s My Talking Tom, with a wholesome and polished look that’s easy on the eyes. You can see the developers really invested time into making Tom look more lifelike and cuddly.

Tom’s Voice: The Heart of the App

The core feature of the app remains unchanged: speaking to Tom and hearing him repeat your words in a hilariously high-pitched helium voice. This is as fun and endearing as ever, offering limitless amusement. Whether you’re saying silly phrases or asking Tom profound questions, his voice never fails to elicit a laugh.

Interactive Fun: Petting and Poking

One of the most engaging aspects of Talking Tom Cat is the myriad ways you can interact with him. You can pet him to make him purr or poke his head, belly, or feet for different reactions. The tactile feedback is surprisingly satisfying, and it feels as if Tom is genuinely responding to your touch.

Grabbing the Tail: A Nostalgic Gesture

In a nod to the original app, you can still grab Tom’s tail, causing him to react amusingly. This feature retains its charm and adds a layer of nostalgia for longtime users. Though simple, it’s this kind of playful interaction that makes the app so compelling.

Screen Scratching: Double the Fun

Screen Scratching Double the Fun

A small but delightful addition in the new version is Tom scratching the screen with both hands rather than just one, as in the original. This quirky animation adds more personality and makes each encounter with Tom unique. It’s a small detail, but one that clearly shows the developers’ dedication to enhancing the experience.

A Dash of Bathroom Humor: Making Tom Fart

Adding a touch of crude humor, you can now make Tom emit a toot. While this feature might not be for everyone, it fits well within the playful and irreverent spirit of the app. Kids will likely find it hilarious, adding a level of engagement that’s hard to beat.

Feeding Tom: A Varied Menu

One of the delightful activities in Talking Tom Cat is feeding him. The app offers Tom a variety of foods to eat, each one triggering a different reaction. From munching on cookies to sipping milk, watching Tom enjoy his meals is both amusing and endearing. The addition of new food items keeps this interaction fresh and interesting.

Recording and Sharing: Capture the Moment

The ability to record videos of your interactions with Tom and share them on social media platforms is another welcome addition. You can tap the record button to capture hilarious moments and send them via YouTube, Facebook, or even email and MMS. This feature adds a social element to the app, making it more interactive and shareable.

Recording and Sharing Capture the Moment

Daily Rewards: Consistent Engagement

To keep you coming back, the app offers +1 food daily whenever you open it. This incentive nudges users to interact with Tom regularly, ensuring that the app remains a part of their daily routine. It’s a smart way to add a sense of progression and reward consistent use.

Ben’s Cameo: A Familiar Face

In a surprising twist, Ben makes a minor appearance by hitting Tom in the face with a cake. Though you don’t see Ben fully, his hands are enough to evoke memories of previous Talking Tom & Friends interactions. This Easter egg is a delightful treat for fans familiar with the series.

Character Changes: A Mixed Bag

Notably, Angela and Ginger, who appeared in earlier versions, have been removed in this remake. While their absence is a bit disappointing, the focus on Tom’s solo antics allows for a more streamlined and dedicated experience. However, I do miss the additional interactions they brought to the table.

Safety Concerns: The Bubble Soap Incident

An early version of the 2016 remake allowed Tom to drink bubble soap, causing him to hiccup a bubble. While funny, this feature was soon replaced with a tub bucket of milk for safety reasons. It’s a sensible change, as bubbles made of soap can be harmful to children if mimicked in real life.

Mystery Teasers: Building Anticipation

The relaunch was preceded by several teaser videos from developer Samo Login. These snippets showcased the updated features and built considerable excitement for the release. The teasers were an effective marketing move, although their exact purpose remains a bit unclear.

Overall Gameplay Experience: Addictive and Fun

Overall Gameplay Experience Addictive and Fun

The revamped Talking Tom Cat is undeniably addictive. The combination of charming visuals, engaging interactions, and amusing sound effects makes it hard to put down. The app offers endless possibilities for entertainment, whether you’re playing alone or with friends.

Reflections: Why the Overhaul?

The exact reasons behind the 2016 overhaul are still up for debate among fans. Some speculate it was to update the outdated and uncanny visuals, while others believe it was to modernize the app by removing references to older releases. Regardless of the reasons, the new version is a clear improvement, standing out as a polished and enjoyable experience.

Conclusion: A Successful Reimagining

In conclusion, the 2016 remake of Talking Tom Cat successfully retains the charm of the original while introducing new and improved features. The app’s fresh look, engaging interactions, and added functionality make it a must-try for both new users and longtime fans. There’s a reason this app has stood the test of time, and the latest version only reinforces its popularity.


  • Vibrant and polished visuals
  • Engaging interactions with Tom
  • Hilarious high-pitched voice feature
  • Variety of foods to feed Tom
  • Ability to record and share videos
  • Daily rewards keep users engaged
  • Nostalgic elements like tail grabbing and Ben’s cameo
  • Improved and safer content compared to earlier versions


  • Removal of characters Angela and Ginger
  • Some may find the humor a bit crude
  • Limited to Tom-centered interactions
  • Early confusion due to teaser videos

Overall, the revamped Talking Tom Cat is an endless source of fun and laughter, capturing the hearts of both new players and nostalgic fans alike.

To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.