Unraveling the Legend: A Comprehensive Guide to the "Speak of the Devil" Quest in Fallout 4

Gregory Brown


Unraveling the Legend: A Comprehensive Guide to the "Speak of the Devil" Quest in Fallout 4

In the expansive world of Fallout 4, players are always on the lookout for new and exciting quests that can enhance their gameplay experience. One of the most intriguing quests introduced in the next-gen update is "Speak of the Devil." This quest interweaves the tale of a legendary figure known as The Devil, who is said to don a rare set of Power Armor, the X-02. As rumors of The Devil's existence spread, numerous characters are drawn into a pursuit that leads to danger and adventure. To ensure you secure the X-02 Power Armor before anyone else, follow this comprehensive guide to navigate the quest effectively.

Initiating the Quest

Initiating the Quest

For seasoned players who have leveled up their characters, embarking on the Speak of the Devil quest is as simple as waiting for it to be added to your quest log upon downloading the latest update. However, if you're starting afresh, you’ll need to progress a bit in the main storyline before this quest becomes available, along with other new adventures.

Your quest begins at a seemingly abandoned location, the Wattz Electronics store, which plays a critical role in unraveling The Devil's enigmatic identity. Upon entering the dilapidated store, cross over the debris and head towards a table that contains a radio alongside an important note from a character named Connie. To enhance your understanding of the story behind The Devil, pick up and read Connie's Note and play the Black Devil Vol 1. holotape. This information serves as a gateway to initiating your quest.

The Trail of the Devil

Once you've absorbed the details from the holotape and Connie's correspondence, a quest marker will illuminate your map, directing you towards Relay Tower 0MC-810. As you approach, remain vigilant—raiders and a formidable Deathclaw lie in wait, ready to ambush unsuspecting players. Successfully dispatch the enemies and infiltrate the tower’s red-gated area. Here, you can discover Richie's Note on a deceased individual and gather the AM 810 holotape that proves instrumental later in the quest.

Your next move is to interface with a terminal that enables you to extend the satellites associated with the tower’s communication system. Once this is complete, return to the terminal and insert the AM 810 holotape. Tune the radio to play the triumphant tune "Stars and Stripes Forever," which opens up a new signal and subsequently adds another marker on your map, this time leading you to the BADTFL Regional Offices.

A Gruesome Discovery

A Gruesome Discovery

Backtrack to Wattz Electronics and pursue your new destination at BADTFL. Inside this location, engage in combat with raider forces until you reach a back interrogation room, where you will make a grim discovery: Connie's lifeless body sprawled on a table. Loot her remains for vital clues, including a note that cryptically instructs you to "Check the Wall." Additionally, you will find the FM 52.7 holotape that will require hacking or password access due to its encrypted nature.

If you possess a Hacker skill of +3, you can bypass the barrier easily. For others, you will need to either derive the password from the provided hint or employ trial-and-error methods with the generated list of potential passwords. The phrase "Check the Wall" hints at the correct key, allowing you access to the contents of the holotape.

Downloading the Final Signal

With the FM 52.7 holotape unlocked, the next quest marker directs you to Relay Tower OSC-527. Once there, similar to the previous tasks, access the terminal, load the FM 52.7 holotape, and transfer the "America the Beautiful" file. The familiar melody resonates as you complete the final signal transmission, while the last quest marker guides you towards the Boston Police Rationing Site—your ultimate destination for the X-02 Power Armor.

Securing the X-02 Power Armor

Securing the X-02 Power Armor

Upon reaching the Boston Police Rationing Site, you will encounter another obstacle: a heavily barricaded front entrance. You can gain entry by throwing an explosive toward the door, or if you prefer a leap of faith, try reaching the rooftop using a Power Armor jump. However, the explosive option is typically more straightforward.

Once inside, navigate through the underground tunnel, keeping a steady pace until you locate a radio near a locked door concealing the coveted X-02 Power Armor. Activate the radio to unlock the door and claim your prize. Additionally, you can access a terminal situated next to the Power Armor that sheds light on the underlying motives of The Devil figure.

The Final Choice

As you don the X-02 Power Armor, you’re faced with a pivotal decision: short-circuit the radio transmission, which leads to the demise of The Devil, or re-establish the Enclave Radio band, unlocking a new communication channel. Choosing to end the transmission allows you to seize the contents of a nearby wall safe while activating the new radio station locks that safe permanently.

Completing the Quest

Completing the Quest

Regardless of the path you choose, once you've secured the X-02 Power Armor, be prepared for a final confrontation—Sgt. Hodges and his cohorts will ambush you. Dispatch these foes to complete the Speak of the Devil quest, culminating your thrilling journey through the intertwined fates of characters in the post-apocalyptic setting of Fallout 4.

Through careful navigation of these steps, you will not only unfold the captivating narrative surrounding The Devil but also equip yourself with one of the most powerful pieces of armor in the game. Enjoy your adventures in the Wasteland, and may fortune smile upon you as you continue your journey!
