The Ultimate Spell Combinations for Superior Magical Mastery in Hogwarts Legacy

Gregory Brown


The Ultimate Spell Combinations for Superior Magical Mastery in Hogwarts Legacy

In the enchanting realm of Hogwarts Legacy, players can unleash their magical prowess through a variety of spells. But when these spells intertwine and sync up, they create overpowering combos that can help even novice sorcerers outmaneuver their foes with ease. Here's a rundown of some spell pairings that have taken the wizarding battlefields by storm.

"Levioso" Lifts, "Diffindo" Strikes from Above

In Hogwarts Legacy, combining the levitation charm "Levioso" with the slicing jinx "Diffindo" provides a tactical edge. "Levioso" suspends enemies in midair, rendering them defenseless, a feat achievable upon finishing a session in the Defence Against the Dark Arts Class Main Quest. Following up with "Diffindo"—learned after completing Professor Sharp's Assignment 2—inflicts severe damage. Especially near water, this duo proves lethal to creatures like the Dugbog, ending their assault swiftly.

Icy Freeze and Petrifying Finish

The game allows for spell combos, such as fusing "Glacius," which turns adversaries into ice sculptures and ups the damage they receive, and "Petrificus Totalus" that paralyzes opponents. You unlock "Glacius" through Madam Kogawa's Assignment 1 and acquire "Petrificus Totalus" from completing the Secrets of the Restricted Section Main Quest. This pairing is especially effective for ending confrontations with a lone remaining enemy frozen solid, letting you move in close and cast "Petrificus Totalus" to wrap things up.

Hogwarts Legacy Glacius

"Imperio" and "Petrificus Totalus" for a Dark Victory

Not for the faint of heart or those with a pristine moral compass, the duo of "Imperio," among the darkest spells known in the wizarding world, and "Petrificus Totalus" provides a ruthless combo. To use "Imperio," head to the Dark Arts Battle Arena located in the Forbidden Forest, while "Petrificus Totalus" is available through the Secrets of the Restricted Section Main Quest. First, "Imperio" coerces an adversary to fight on your behalf, and once the battle quietens, "Petrificus Totalus" incapacitates this temporary ally permanently from behind.

"Accio" and "Incendio" Conflagrate, "Depulso" Propels

Bringing "Accio," "Incendio," and "Depulso" into unison delivers a display of force and flames. "Accio" draws enemies in, taught during the Charms Class Quest; "Incendio," available after completing Professor Hecat's Assignment 1, sets the opposition on fire. Cap it off with "Depulso," learned after wrapping up Professor Sharp's Assignment 1, which blasts enemies away. By close-quarter casting of "Incendio," players ignite foes and send them flying aflame with "Depulso."

The Art of Arcane Juggling with "Levioso," "Accio," "Descendo," and "Depulso"

Juggling enemies becomes an art form with the right mix of spells. "Levioso" has a partner in "Accio" to start the spectacle, both taught during the Charms Class Quest. Once suspended, "Descendo," which players can grasp from Professor Onai's Assignment, smashes the foe down. Seal their fate with a forceful expulsion from "Depulso." Though these spells might not pack a devastating punch individually, their choreographed use ensures control of the battlefield and the ability to inflict steady damage.

Hogwarts Legacy game Accio

"Confringo," "Glacius," and "Diffindo": The Triad of Distant Dominance

The players who prefer to keep their distance will find the sequence of "Confringo," "Glacius," and "Diffindo" to be exceptional. "Confringo" unleashes a fire bolt that causes fiery havoc from afar, obtainable from Professor Onai's Assignment. Next in line is "Glacius," a spell that encapsulates the target in ice, learned from Madam Kogawa's Assignment 1. Lastly, "Diffindo" is adept at dealing with slashing harm from a distance, which wizards pick up after Professor Sharp's Assignment 2. These spells create an onslaught that freezes, burns, and slices foes with remarkable impact and range. With enhancements from Talents, this becomes an unstoppable area-effect assault, suitable for clearing out multiple enemies at once.

The Close-Quarters Team of "Accio," "Descendo," "Incendio," and "Glacius"

Players eager to engage enemies toe-to-toe might embrace the quartet comprised of "Accio," "Descendo," "Incendio," and "Glacius." Together, these spells form a relentless barrage of magical aggression. By drawing adversaries closer with "Accio," players can then pound them into the ground using "Descendo." Both spells belong to the realm of force, with teachings stemming from the Charms Class Quest and Professor Onai's Assignment, respectively. Then, "Incendio" unleashes its fiery wrath to scorch foes—taught after completing Professor Hecat's Assignment 1, while "Glacius," introduced by Madam Kogawa's Assignment 1, inflicts severe frost damage. This fiery and frosty onslaught ensures the enemy is overwhelmed by a destructive dance of elements.

Hogwarts Legacy game Descendo

"Disillusionment" and "Petrificus Totalus": The Stealthy Silencers

While not your typical combat spells, "Disillusionment," which renders a caster nearly invisible, and "Petrificus Totalus," which can immobilize almost any creature, serve as mighty tools for quietly neutralizing threats. "Disillusionment" is honed from the lessons learned in the Secrets of the Restricted Section Quest. Meanwhile, "Petrificus Totalus" becomes available upon completion of its corresponding Main Quest. Stealthy raids on enemy camps become possible, and those with a knack for stealth can eliminate threats without raising the alarm.

"Transformation" and "Depulso"/"Ancient Magic Throw": Transmuting Foes into Volatile Weapons

"Transformation," a spell acquired late in the Hogwarts Legacy adventure through Professor Weasley's Assignment, holds phenomenal power, utterly altering the essence of enemies or objects. Though inherently non-lethal, "Transformation" becomes formidable when fused with "Depulso" or "Ancient Magic Throw," either blasting away foes with raw force or hurling transformed objects with lethal intent. "Depulso" comes into play after Professor Sharp's Assignment 1, and "Ancient Magic Throw" is presented to players following the Welcome to Hogsmeade Quest. Upgraded via Talents, "Transformation" can turn adversaries into combustible barrels, ready to be set off by the combo spells, washing away other nearby threats in the ensuing inferno.

Hogwarts Legacy game Avada Kedavra

The Power of Curses and the Fearful "Avada Kedavra"

For those willing to tread the darker path in Hogwarts Legacy, a combination that utilizes the infamous "Avada Kedavra" sits at the pinnacle of destructive power. This deadly curse is the prize of the Dark Arts Battle Arena located in the Forbidden Forest. When a player employs their dark arts Talents to curse their enemies—signified by a green "X"—the fully-upgraded "Avada Kedavra" can be cast on just one marked enemy, leading to a domino effect vanquishing every cursed adversary in a single, swift act. This technique allows a sorcerer to efficiently dispatch large groups linked by the curse, demonstrating the terrifying might of dark magic when combined methodically.

The spells in Hogwarts Legacy offer a toolbox for creating strategic synergies, with these pairings just scratching the surface of possibilities. Players who experiment with the magic at their fingertips will likely discover new overpowered combinations to dominate the magical fray.
