Mastering Combat in Zenless Zone Zero: A Detailed Guide for Proxies

Gregory Brown


Mastering Combat in Zenless Zone Zero: A Detailed Guide for Proxies

Zenless Zone Zero provides an exhilarating combat experience with its fast-paced mechanics and jaw-dropping visuals. This manual will explore different elements of the combat system in Zenless Zone Zero, helping you enhance your skills and effectiveness in battles. From basic attacks to the sophisticated Chain Attack feature, understanding each component will help you rise through the ranks as a formidable Proxy.

Getting Started: Understanding Basic Attacks

In Zenless Zone Zero, Basic Attacks are your bread and butter, varying significantly across different Agents. Depending on your character's role—whether they are a Physical attacker, a Support hero, a Close Combat expert, or a Ranged damage dealer—your basic moves will differ. Each hit you land generates Energy, prominently displayed below your HP bar. This Energy is essential for executing more complex moves later on.

Energy Accumulation

Combat Energy is not just generated from Basic Attacks. You can also accumulate Energy through Dodge Counters and Dash Attacks. For a Dodge Counter, immediately hit the attack button after a successful dodge to rack up some Energy. For Dash Attacks, sprint long enough and then attack towards the end of your dash. Additionally, destroying supply chests or looting Energy from fallen foes contributes to your Energy pool. A Perfect Dodge triggers a Matrix-like bullet-time, granting you invulnerability for a brief period.

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Unleashing Devastation: Special Attacks and Their Impact

The primary purpose of collecting Energy over time is to execute Special Attacks. These powerful moves deal devastating damage to Ethereals, turning the tide in battles. Special Attacks are vital tools in your combat arsenal, and understanding when to deploy them can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Daze Mechanics

Your relentless barrage of attacks gradually fills your enemy's Daze meter, located below their HP. Once this meter hits 100%, the enemy enters a Stunned phase, unable to move or attack. This state offers you a prime opportunity to unleash havoc, as the foe remains incapacitated for a set duration.

The Beauty of Coordination: Chain Attacks

The Chain Attack feature is perhaps one of the most thrilling aspects of Zenless Zone Zero's combat. When an enemy is stunned, a Heavy Attack triggers the Chain Attack—a Quick Time Event (QTE) where you call upon your teammates to join in with stylish and potent moves. The effectiveness of Chain Attacks depends on the number of Agents in your party, and even a Bangboo can participate.

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Assist Attacks for Team Dynamics

Your squad isn't just there for moral support; they can assist in various ways during combat. If you take damage and get knocked back, hitting the Assist button will summon a teammate to cover for you. Anticipating the enemy's moves—signaled by a gold cross-like indicator—allows you to launch a Perfect Assist. This could be a Defensive Assist to parry or an Evasive Assist to dodge, each adding strategic depth to your combat tactics.

Ultimate Moves: Achieving Maximum Impact

All these combat maneuvers contribute to your team's Decibel Rating, shown on the upper left of your screen. Once it reaches 3,000, you can activate your Ultimate move, a spectacle of destruction accompanied by stunning skill animations. While these may seem overwhelming, the combat system of Zenless Zone Zero is designed to be intuitive once you get the hang of the QTE prompts.

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Transition to Mastery

Zenless Zone Zero might seem daunting at first, but its seamless combat flows naturally. As you get accustomed to the QTE prompts, you'll find yourself executing moves with god-like precision. If you’re still unsure whether to dive into this adventure, checking out detailed reviews can provide more insights.

Whether you're a novice or a seasoned player, mastering the intricate combat system of Zenless Zone Zero requires practice and familiarity with its unique mechanics. Grab the game today and dive into its enthralling universe—every strike, evasion, and support move propels you nearer to achieving elite Proxy status.
