Patch for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Eradicates the Game’s Strangest Bug

Gregory Brown


Patch for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Eradicates the Game’s Strangest Bug

A newly released patch for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 by Insomniac Games has addressed several issues reported by players since the game launched. The first issue is a visual error pertaining to the misrepresentation of the Puerto Rican flag in Miles' apartment, which was mistakenly portrayed as a Cuban flag. Following the outcry from players, Insomniac has corrected this error and apologized in a statement, highlighting their commitment to accurate representation and regret over the mistake. 

In addition, Insomniac has confirmed via Twitter/X, the resolution of the amusing Spider-Cube glitch that has afflicted players. Previously, players became a small white cube instead of one of the Spider-Men, after improper loading. This has reportedly been remedied in the latest patch.
