Now You Can Message Yourself on WhatsApp

Gregory Brown


Now You Can Message Yourself on WhatsApp

Have you ever received a message from a friend on WhatsApp simply because they had to record it somewhere and found no better place? Or have you yourself been in such a need? If so, you will enjoy the new feature of the most popular messenger. Now you can send message to yourself on WhatsApp and have it saved in the chat history.

It’s more than just a replacement to your notetaking app so you don’t need a standalone one anymore. Sending a message to yourself is a great way to share a link, a photo, or other content across your devices if they aren’t as tightly interconnected as, say, the Apple ecosystem. More than that: the content will be stored in your cloud chat backup if you have enabled this.

The feature first appears in WhatsApp Beta for iOS 22.23.74 and for WhatsApp Beta for Android It means that soon it’s going to become available in stable releases as well. To send a message to yourself, you need to start composing a message as usual, and then select your own username (You). It will appear on the top of the contact list, so finding yourself won’t be tricky. You can also add a shortcut to your own contact to the home screen, to make it even easier.

Not that this feature is something unprecedented. Telegram has had it for years, and Slack also offered something similar. But for WhatsApp it’s a huge step ahead. It will become even more significant when multidevice support is finally implemented the way it should be. For now, it’s a great thing for business accounts to send a message to every employee using the account at once.

What do you think about sending messages to yourself? Is it a good replacement for your notepad? And is it easy to share files across your devices on Telegram or other messengers that have this feature? If you’re using WhatsApp Beta, does this feature work smoothly? Share your impressions with us in the comments section!
