Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Season 4 Launches with New Maps, Modes, and Weapons

Season 4 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has been unleashed, packed with brand-new content and numerous adjustments for balance. Activision unveiled the extensive update details concurrent with the season's launch, encompassing everything essential for players to dive in. This rollout introduces new terrain for the 6v6 multiplayer engagements, encompassing a collection of six novel modes and a revamped battle pass teeming with exclusive rewards.
As with the previous season, the game debuts two innovative maps, Tokyo and Paris, at the onset of Season 4, anticipating the later addition of Incline and Das Gross. At launch, players will have the opportunity to navigate these locations utilizing three newly implemented modes, namely Demolition, Hyper Cranked, and Cache, with the future introduction of Mutation, Headshots Only, and Havoc throughout the season.
An assortment of new armaments is attainable through this season's battle pass. This includes the revered return of the Kar98k marksman rifle, the cutting-edge Superi 46 submachine gun, the formidable Reclaimer 18 shotgun, along with the Sledgehammer, a brute force melee option obtainable through weekly challenges midway through the season.
Additionally, Season 4 will see the introduction of eight Aftermarket Parts, offering comprehensive conversion kits for beloved armaments. Notable entries are the JAK Harbinger Kit M4 assault rifle, offering a methodical elimination capability with reduced firing speed, the JAK Gunslinger Basilisk handgun—a revolver equipped with .357 ammunition enhancing firing rate, and the JAK Thumper-656 RGL-80 launcher, boasting elevated range and stability while facilitating the utilization of a high-capacity drum magazine for the FJX Horus.
With this update, Activision also took the opportunity to correct various issues, enhancing stability and performance along with rectifying glitches that resulted in erroneous first-person animations. In the realm of personalization, players can now adorn the B.E.A.S.T. Glove Blueprint for the Gladiator with camouflages, and application of the Karaage skin on the MCW Assault Rifle is error-free.